Kei Uruno


1993 Born in Gifu

2021 B.A. Nagoya University of the Arts

2023 M.A. Nagoya University of the Arts


Solo Exhibitions

2019 The pilot                                                 (YEBISU ART LABO/Aichi)

2021 ESCAPE                                                  (Kanazawa Art Gumi/Ishikawa)

2023 Storeroom and Structure                           (Storeroom and ○○/Aichi)

2023 KEY WAY (BankART Under35)                   (BankART Station/Kanagawa)

2023 CLEAN ROOM                                          (MYNAVI ART SQUARE/Tokyo)

2024 Unexpected Connection                             (FOC/Ishikawa)


Group Exhibition

2019 C Laboratory Aichi

        (Aichi Triennal Collaboration Project)          (Art Lab Aichi/Aichi)

2021 Awai no Shiten vol.2                                  (Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art Gallery/Aichi)

2021 DELTA                                                      (KAYOKOYUKI, Komagome SOKO/Tokyo)

2021 non-painting how to forget painting              (YEBISU ART LABO/Aichi)

2022 CAF Award 2022 Selected Works Exhibition  (Daikanyama Hillside Forum/Tokyo)

2023 ART AWARD TOKYO MARUNOUCHI 2023   (Shin-Marunouchi Building 3F/Tokyo)

2023 MPN                                                          (Art Center Ongoing/Tokyo)


Art Fair

2023 ARTIST'S FAIR KYOTO 2023                         (The Kyoto Shimbun Bldg B1F/Kyoto)

2024 HANKYU ART FAIR 2024                             (Hankyu Umeda Hole/Osaka)


Major Awards

2021 Nagoya University of Arts Graduation Works Exhibition, Grand Prize

2022 CAF Award 2022, Kohei Nawa Jury Prize

2023 ARTIST'S FAIR KYOTO 2023, Mynavi ART AWARD, Grand Prize

2023 ART AWARD TOKYO MARUNOUCHI 2023, Eriko Kimura Jury Prize


Scholarships and Grants

2021 Japan Arts and Culture Scholarship 

2022 Mitsubishi Corporation Art Gate Program Scholarship Stu-dent